Spring – and Spring Allergies are here!
Spring is almost always a wonderful reprieve after the dreary cold, rain and snow of winter. After seeing so many of my favorite trees lose their leaves and just become sticks as they hibernate through the winter and my favorite plants go dormant, I know I cannot wait for that Spring rush of color, life, and sense of regeneration that sprouts up all around!
Unfortunately, my sinuses are not such big fans. With the explosion of color, flowers, and beautiful new growth comes the flood of pollen! We can see it drift by on the air, cling to our clothes, and gather on plants in order to get picked up by some delightful little pollinator – a friendly bee, butterfly, or even a regular fly that can then carry that pollen from one blossom to another, fertilizing the plants and bringing the promise of new life.
To be honest, I have tried so many different seasonal allergy medications. In the end, the best one for me personally has been Zyrtec, but my husband isn’t so lucky! He has tried allergy medication after allergy medication, only to just keep sneezing.
If you are struggling, like he is, to find an allergy medication that works for you, I’d like to share some that I have found helpful. For him, it seems we have to switch it up at different times of the year. Maybe that’s true for you too?
Standard Forms of Allergy Medications OTC
There is a reason that many of the big name allergy medications are used so frequently – they work! However, they don’t always work for everyone, and they don’t always work for every scenario. I can take Zyrtec for my seasonal allergies and be just fine, but my husband has to try a variety of different medications until one starts to kick in.

However, some of us don’t want to lean on medication, and it may be a good idea to look at different options. For example, this book by Daniel Timothy discusses the secret of how to permanently cure your seasonal allergies so you don’t have to fight them year after year in his book The Secrets to Cure Your Seasonal Allergies.
No matter what methods you try, hopefully you can find something that works for you this year so you can still enjoy the beautiful blossoms of Spring!